- look at five front page news stories from the Daily Mail and five from The Guardian.
- analyse the content looking at the headline, image, language register (tone), any bias or political comment and whether the coverage is negative or positive or not positioned either way.
- How does the news article appeal to the target audience? Consider how is may be relevant to them? Make notes about your chosen content and then write your analysis and add this to your original blog post from the previous lesson.
The Daily Mail (Tabloid) and the Guardian (broadsheet) differ in some aspects however also obtain similarities in layout and content. they both contain plugs to endorse readers and headlines showing most recent news stories which impact a vast amount of people and also master heads to promote their own newspaper. These features are common in all types of newspaper and are traditional conventions of newspapers.
Differences between these newspapers are sometimes content. The Daily Mail generally uses very exaggerated language in their headlines often to portray a racist and one sided view point manipulating the real story to be biased. however, The Guardian are unprejudiced so the audience arent manipulated however are factually telling the truth. Being different types of newspapers Daily Mail a tabloid (right wing) and The Guardian a Broadsheet (Left Wing) size is different as broadsheets and informational and tabloids small and bulleted.
Differences between these newspapers are sometimes content. The Daily Mail generally uses very exaggerated language in their headlines often to portray a racist and one sided view point manipulating the real story to be biased. however, The Guardian are unprejudiced so the audience arent manipulated however are factually telling the truth. Being different types of newspapers Daily Mail a tabloid (right wing) and The Guardian a Broadsheet (Left Wing) size is different as broadsheets and informational and tabloids small and bulleted.
This devastating headline isn't a controversial topic however is informing a global awareness of annihilation caused by the natural disaster earthquake affecting many lives. This story is very negative due to its upsetting conduct contrasting those of the daily mail which in fact focuses typically on political and controversial topics such as migration the picture is both culturally upsetting but also disturbing for readers however devastating images can make readers buy and look at these stories.
Theresa may is a public figure and British political icon who can impact all our lives so will attract the attention of all readers. being our head of parliament she is constantly plummeted into the faces of the public so this is a big selling point for a news paper being a great marketing target. The word Brexit in the headline is majorly important and identifiable influencing potential readers be updated upon the latest EU exit. the dominant and powerful statement of the headline shows quite a biased view supporting the conservative party supporting Thereasa Mays actions. this headline and image is very positive developing Britain to once again look as a powerful nation not easy to back down.

This headline is forceful and upsetting for most. as upto 20.3 million families receiving some kind of benefit (64% of all families), in the uk this news can come quite stressing as people may lose houses as benefits decline being very negative. impacting over half of britain this news is very important. the target audience is tose in which are on these benefits typically lower class.

This is a very controversial topic which pitches arguments and discussion over supporters of all parties. The daily mail here clearly is supporting the vote's to leave the EU. Using hyperbolic language like shackles and freed to exaggerate, emphasizing what being apaert of the EU is like showing a very biased viewpoint unlike the Guardian. Geing a global and local impact to everyone this news story will easily sell to everyone of all audienecs.

This news headline presents a very delicate and sensitive topic for most making it very controversial but enticing people of both views to read. The way in which the headline is worded is very open minded but a statement of may with a biased view. its said quite polite and peaceful however people will disagree. the image shows a family who in which the person dying will impact. this makes it a upsetting setting emotional for all readers showing happy smiling faces. typically I believe this paper is for people who suffer depression those who have previously been impacted or by empathizing readers. this article being controversial makes it positive for those who agree who want to manipulate views of others and negative for those who disagree.

This Article is typically biased and expected of the Daily mail. its a controversial topic however the headline is worded in such a way that it is very mush against the idea.

This headline is forceful and upsetting for most. as upto 20.3 million families receiving some kind of benefit (64% of all families), in the uk this news can come quite stressing as people may lose houses as benefits decline being very negative. impacting over half of britain this news is very important. the target audience is tose in which are on these benefits typically lower class.

This is a very controversial topic which pitches arguments and discussion over supporters of all parties. The daily mail here clearly is supporting the vote's to leave the EU. Using hyperbolic language like shackles and freed to exaggerate, emphasizing what being apaert of the EU is like showing a very biased viewpoint unlike the Guardian. Geing a global and local impact to everyone this news story will easily sell to everyone of all audienecs.

This news headline presents a very delicate and sensitive topic for most making it very controversial but enticing people of both views to read. The way in which the headline is worded is very open minded but a statement of may with a biased view. its said quite polite and peaceful however people will disagree. the image shows a family who in which the person dying will impact. this makes it a upsetting setting emotional for all readers showing happy smiling faces. typically I believe this paper is for people who suffer depression those who have previously been impacted or by empathizing readers. this article being controversial makes it positive for those who agree who want to manipulate views of others and negative for those who disagree.

This Article is typically biased and expected of the Daily mail. its a controversial topic however the headline is worded in such a way that it is very mush against the idea.
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